
React Hooks – a comprehensive guide

React Hooks – a comprehensive guide

React Hooks have revolutionized the way developers write code in React. They provide an elegant and efficient way to manage stateful logic in functional components. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about React Hooks, including their benefits, types, and how to use them in your applications.

What are React Hooks?

React Hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features in functional components. They were introduced in React version 16.8 and have quickly become the preferred way to write reusable and stateful logic in React.

And I have been using hooks in my work for several years now, and despite the fact that we are starting to move away from them lately - many projects are built on them.

Benefits of React Hooks

There are several benefits of using React Hooks in your applications. They simplify your code, make it more readable, and improve its performance. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Reusability: With React Hooks, you can extract stateful logic from components and reuse it across multiple components.
  • Simplified Logic: React Hooks make it easy to manage complex logic and reduce the amount of code needed to achieve the same functionality.
  • Improved Performance: By using React Hooks, you can avoid unnecessary re-renders and improve the performance of your application.
  • Easy testing: Because Hooks use pure functions, they are easier to test and debug.

Types of React Hooks

React Hooks can be broadly classified into two categories - State Hooks and Effect Hooks.

State Hooks

State Hooks let you add stateful logic to functional components. They provide a simple way to manage state without the need for class components. The two most commonly used State Hooks are useState and useReducer.

  • useState: The useState Hook lets you add state to your components without having to write a class component. It returns a pair of values - the current state and a function to update the state.
  • useReducer: The useReducer Hook is an alternative to useState for managing state in your components. It lets you define more complex state transitions and provides a way to manage state using a reducer function.

Effect Hooks

Effect Hooks let you add side-effects to functional components. They provide a way to handle component lifecycle events, such as mounting, updating, and unmounting. The two most commonly used Effect Hooks are useEffect and useLayoutEffect.

  • useEffect: The useEffect Hook lets you add side-effects to your components. It runs after every render and lets you perform tasks such as fetching data, updating the document title, or setting up event listeners.
  • useLayoutEffect: The useLayoutEffect Hook is similar to useEffect but runs synchronously before the component is painted to the screen. It's useful for performing DOM manipulations that need to be applied before the component is rendered.

More Hooks

React Hooks also offer several advanced Hooks that can help you achieve more complex functionality. Here are some of the most useful advanced Hooks:

  • useCallback()

The useCallback() Hook is used for optimizing performance in functional components. It allows you to memoize a function, which means that it will only be re-rendered when its dependencies change.

  • useRef()

The useRef() Hook is used for accessing DOM elements or other variables that persist between renders. It returns a mutable ref object that can be updated without triggering a re-render.

These are not all hooks, but we will omit some of them in this article. (I'm talking about memo, useMemo, etc.)

Using React Hooks in Your Applications

Now that you understand the benefits and types of React Hooks, let's see how you can use them in your applications. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Install React

To use React Hooks, you first need to install React. You can do this using the following command:

npm install react

2. Import the Required Hooks

Once you have installed React, you can import the required hooks in your components. Here is an example:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

3. Use the Hooks

Once you have imported the hooks, you can use them in your components. Here is an example:

function MyComponent() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    document.title = `Count: ${count}`;
  }, [count]);

4. Pass State and Props

To pass state and props to child components, you can use the useState and useEffect hooks. Here is an example:

function ParentComponent() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log(`Count changed to ${count}`);
  }, [count]);

  return (
      <ChildComponent count={count} />
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>

function ChildComponent(props) {
  return <div>{props.count}</div>;

Create Custom Hooks

You can also create custom hooks to encapsulate reusable stateful logic. Here is an example:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function useFetch(url) {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    async function fetchData() {
      const response = await fetch(url);
      const json = await response.json();

  }, [url]);

  return data;

Rules for Using React Hooks

To ensure proper usage of React Hooks, it is essential to follow a set of rules. Here are the guidelines that you should keep in mind while using React Hooks:

  • Call Hooks at the top level: To use Hooks correctly, they should always be called at the top level of your React functional component, before the return statement. Avoid using Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions, as it can cause issues with the component's state management.
  • Call Hooks from React Functions: Hooks should only be called from within React functions. Avoid calling Hooks from regular JavaScript functions, as it can lead to unexpected behavior. Instead, use Hooks in React functional components or custom Hooks.


React Hooks provide a powerful and elegant way to manage stateful logic in functional components. They simplify your code, make it more readable, and improve its performance. In this guide, we covered everything you need to know about React Hooks, including their benefits, types, and how to use them in your applications.

By implementing React Hooks in your applications, you can save development time and make your code more efficient. We hope this guide has helped you understand the basics of React Hooks and given you the tools to start using them in your own projects.

Thank you for reading, and happy coding!


As you know a lot has already been written for you, with hooks it's exactly the same story. Take a look at this collection of hooks - it will come in handy for your work:

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